Monday, February 16, 2009

"Happy Valemtimes, I wuv you!"

Oh I am so behind with my blogging!! I don't even have an excuse as to why I am so behind. The only thing I can really think that has caused this is that I am sooo pregnant and for some reason sitting in front of the computer for a long period of time KILLS my back.
We celebrated Valentines day this weekend. Unfortunately I forgot to take ANY pictures! What was I thinking?! Friday Noah had his Valentine's party at preschool. I think he enjoyed it because when I asked what he ate for lunch he told me a pink cup cake! Friday night we went to Greg's church basketball tournament. Now don't get me wrong I was of course routing for my husband and our college students to win. (We have a few that have been so dedicated they have driven home from school on Friday nights just to play b'ball.) I never ever expected them to win the whole tournament though. (Which meant Noah and I were stuck at the church until after 10:00 Friday night, at least 4 hours!) They had lost more games than they had won this season. Fortunately they were on fire when it counted!! So yea!! The weekend started off with a Happy Daddy and a win for College Sunday School.
Saturday morning Noah woke up to heart shaped pancakes and a Valentines balloon and Tonka Truck. We then took flowers and a card to his Mimi C and Pops. (Greg's mom) He was so precious handing out his gifts "Happy Valemtimes, I wuv you!" He went home had a very fast nap and then headed to the Zoo with Mimi C and Pops.
This gave Greg and I time to get ready for our big Valentines date! (Let me tell you when your 8 months pregnant it's hard to think you look great for your husband!)
We headed to eat at Cocina Superior (yum!) and then off to a musical (Romance, Romance) starring our friend Kristen Sharp! So fun, great job Kristen!! BTW by this time Noah had been dropped off at his Nene and Daddy John's house for a Valentine pizza party. When I called at 9:45 to tell them we were coming to pick him up he was already fast asleep and I was told under no circumstances was I to come pick him up that they would see me tomorrow. How WONDERFUL! A night to ourselves!! I later found out Noah slept at least 10 hours that night. He never does that at home! So... We had a WONDERFUL Valentine's Day and we are so thankful for our precious parents who selflessly devoted themselves to watching our child for us.
** BTW, Noah did not leave my mom out. He delivered his flowers and card to her yesterday after church with a huge kiss and an "I wuv you Nene!"

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