Sunday, March 29, 2009

The rumors are out... Greg went to church this morning and received several heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS from people. We very much appreciate these, but let me assure you all, Cade is NOT here yet. After a very long and extremely drawn out week we are very much anticipating his arrival. I am finally 37 weeks today!! Woo hoo, this means I have reached those precious words... FULL TERM. This pregnancy has been full of ups and downs that I just didn't have with Noah. With Noah things went very smoothly and I just really enjoyed being pregnant. It has not been quite as glamarous this time around. I really anticipated smooth sailing until the end though, but that is not what Cade had in mind. Monday afternoon Greg flew to New Orleans for bussiness. This was fine, he travels all the time and the baby wasn't due for another month... or so I thought. About two in the morning I woke up having contractions. I had been having braxton hicks for awhile but these were different. They hurt and started coming frequently. I waited it out, worried because Greg was out of town and I was only 36 weeks. My mom came in the morning and took Noah and I back to her house. These contractions continued all day and eased up a little that night. Thank goodness Greg flew back in around six that night. We went home and ate dinner and went to bed. Then about two I woke up again with contractions. We timed them and decided to go into the hospital. When I got there they were two minuttes apart and very strong. They admitted me and decided they would not stop labor but would do nothing to help it progress either. So the plan was just to watch and wait. We stayed at the hospital 13 hours that day. I never dialated past a three. They gave me two options... One was to stay on the perionatel floor and let them continue to monitor me as my contractions were so strong they thought surely labor was empending...Two was to go home with strict instructions on when to come back. I chose to go home. I missed Noah and just wanted to sleep in my bed. Well I got to see Noah, but sleep is something I obviously have forgotten how to do. I am still (on Sunday) contracting every 2-4 minuttes just not as intensly as I at the hospital. This keeps me from getting any sleep. All in all I am content with this outcome though because I truly believe Cade was not ready to come last week. Dr. Banks checked me out on Friday and I was still sitting at a three. He said he believed Cade would come this week and he would not leave me to exhaust myself for too long. Have I mentioned I have the sweetest doctor ever? Well, I do. So on to more waiting and anticipating... oh yeah and savoring EVERY single moment I have left with Noah as an only child.
By the way, Noah is very worried about his mommy and is taking good care of me. He told my mom "we take mommy to the doctor so she feel better!" I love that kid!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Renovations are Complete!

The hardwoods and carpet are complete. I'm a very happy momma! I have learned quickly that it will be easy for me to become obsessive about my floors though. Currently I think I am sweeping and dust mopping about once an hour. They really do seem to show more dust and dirt. The thing that freaks me out is that same dust and dirt was in my carpet all along and I just couldn't see it. :-) See I told you guys I was nesting... normally this would not bother me so much!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Potty Training and Nesting... Is this a good combination?

I have officially begun Nesting! At almost 36 weeks pregnant I am in full-swing preparing our house for a new baby! We have lived in our house almost five years now, (very hard to believe!) When we bought the house it had terrible builder grade carpet in it. Apparently this carpet is only made to last about a year. Five years, one rambunctious toddler, a cat and a dog later our carpet had to come up! I had reached my limit! We are now in the process of having hard woods laid throughout the living areas of the house... living room, kitchen, foyer, dining room and hallway. We are also replacing all the carpet in the bedrooms. You can not imagine how elated I am!!! The build up for this process was AMAZING! You would not believe the adrenaline rush it created in this very large, pregnant momma! I cleaned every baseboard, mopped and scrubbed all the floors vacuumed behind and under things that hadn't been touched in years! I also cleaned out COMPLETELY the fridge and freezer, the pantry and with the help of my mom reorganized the linen closet. Was all of this necessary? Oh... COMPLETELY!! If it had not been done I honestly believe I would have lost my sanity... or maybe I already have! :-) Nesting is a very strange phenomenon, but I think I love it!
We are now living at my parents house while the flooring is being put in. It has been wonderful, very convenient. My dad has been quite the host! (My mom is out of town taking care of my grandmother who just had shoulder surgery.) Hopefully by Friday night we will be back in our CLEAN, newly remodeled home!
I don't think I have mentioned in my blog yet that Noah is potty training. Oh what fun! Who knew this would be such a long process! For weeks we have consistently been taking him to the potty. I would still not consider him potty trained. He is not such a good pooper and would much rather hide somewhere and surprise you with a dirty pull-up than go in the potty. I am trying very hard to be patient with this process. I honestly am just happy we've made the progress we have made before little Cade arrives. It would be very nice not to have to worry about two in diapers!